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Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7, ESV


Giving was a major theme during the life of Christ here on earth. In the same way, giving is a major theme here at HEBC, and with these three simple ways, we make it easy to give!



Give an offering, donation or tithe in person during any of our services and events on Sundays and throughout the week.


Give with ease and convenience at any time when you use our smart-giving method through the PayPal donate button below.

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Give when you get involved and become a volunteer. Discover what gifts and talents God has given you! Discover how God can use you for his glory. And discover how purpose, spiritual responsibility and obedience to God’s Word creates a complete body of Christ. In other words, … LET’S GET TO WORK!

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