HEBC ladies enjoyed gathering together, learning from each other and supporting one another. Here are a few pictures for your enjoyment. We thank God for the opportunity and His faithfulnesses. We're looking forward to doing this again next year.

Our women rejoiced.
A powerful moment amongst women who love the Lord. Thank you for supporting and encouraging us pastor.
The decoration was beautiful
The place looked spectacular! So many hands joined in to make our tea party decor so beautiful. Thank you all.

We had gift and prizes
Sachet with perfume and hand cream. Gift given to every tea party attendee.
Lasting friendships
We created bonds and renewed friendships that will last a lifetime. These women are phenomenal.

Women’s Ministry
Our Women’s Ministry ‘HER-oes’ aka UFM (Union des Femmes Missionnaires or Woman’s Missionary Union - WMU) believe that God put women on this earth to Help, Encourage, Bring up and make Christ-like the minds and spirits of all those they come in contact with; and the women of this ministry definitely rise to this calling.
Bring up
Christ-like in character and in all relationships
Hospitality Ministry
HEBC Hospitality is the department we turn to for every HEBC grand event… and we wouldn’t have it any other way! This department flawlessly creates an ambience in these events from their savory and delectable food-filled church anniversary reception, which has earned them a glowing reputation as “cordon bleu epicureans” to our annual ‘Haiti Je Me Souviens’ (Haiti, I Remember) a major cultural celebration!